Monday, December 1, 2014


I found a sweet deal online for you guys. I don't usually online shop (I've only done it three times in my life) but I just happened to be browsing online shops and found a steal on Julep. If you sign up right now you can get three nail polishes and an eyeliner for only shipping and handling which is like $3. Usually that would cost $58 so hurry up and get this deal. I will link it right here:
Happy Blogging,
Jessica Casey

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Christmas Wishlist

So 'tis the season and I know some people don't like it when other start to talk about Christmas before Thanksgiving but Turkey day is tomorrow so it's close enough, get over it. If you're like me, then thinking of Christmas presents that you want is quite hard anytime when you actually need to. Ask me what I want any other time of the year and I could give you an answer in the blink of an eye, but anywhere near my birthday or Christmas I would probably tell you socks (which, don't get me wrong, is a great present). But I racked my brain and came up with this list:

Beauty Blender
Curling Iron

Chunky Infinity Scarf

Anything Monogrammed
Anything Monogrammed
Anything Monogrammed

Statement Necklaces

North Face Jacket
Riding Boots
Laptop Case
Camo Blanket

So that there is a few of the main things that I have come up with so far. If you want the links to these items or want to keep up with the other things I am adding on to my wish list then you can follow my Pinterest account here and look at the board here.

Happy Blogging ,
Jessica Casey

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Country Concerts

I don't know if you live anywhere like where I live, but everyone here is into country concerts (myself included). Country music is my favorite kind of music but also they are some of the best entertainers out there.

My first time going to a country concert was this Tim McGraw this May. I went with my friends Stephanie and Rachel and with Steph's family. It was such a good concert. We even got to meet Cassidee Pope who was one of the opening acts.
My next concert was Toby Keith which we still went with Stephanie's parents but in a different car. And that was a really good concert. Because Toby Keith is just a redneck girl's favorite singer. 

Third, we went to Dierks Bentley and that was probably my favorite concert. And that was just such a good concert, he had three opening acts and man were they good. I love Dierks Bentley. This was the first concert where we didn't actually sit by ourselves and watch the show. We actually interacted with people and I drove us and it was just a good time beside the fact that we barely got there on time because of traffic and my shoes broke when we first got there so I had to go barefoot the whole time. 

Next was Miranda Lambert. Now this was an experience. We went with a bunch of guys that we weren't really close with at the time. I mean we had hung out a few times before but other than that, we didn't really know each other. This is also the first concert we drank at. And wow was it fun. I like didn't feel it at first but I had a buzz for sure because I could talk to anyone that night lol. But that was a good concert except for when my friend had to use the bathroom and I missed my favorite song. 

And the most recent one was Keith Urban. Now that one was also an adventure.  We went with Jesus (who I met for the first time that night) and Carlos (my sort of ex). Once again, we were drinking and I kind of wanted to make Carlos mad sooo liiiike me being my smart self started taking to random guys and spent a majority of the concert with a 22 year old named Curtis. And by the time I was done dancing (and making out with lol) him I kept apologizing to Carlos even though I really had no reason to. Then Carlos proceeds to kiss my best friend. LOL. So needless to say Jesus and I are friends now and me and Carlos are not. 

Anyway, I hope this puts things into perspective if you're thinking about going to a country concert or any kind of concert. Learn from my mistakes and maybe don't drink at country concerts. LOL JK where's the fun in that?

Happy Blogging,
Jessica Casey

Monday, July 14, 2014

Latino music will change your mood

I have always been someone who accepts all different kinds of music and listens and appreciates it. Whether it had been Screamo or Country music, I loved it all. But despite all that there was one kind of music that I couldn't get into. Latino or Spanish music. I guess a part of me didn't like the fact that I couldn't understand what it was saying or ... I actually really don't know what was stopping me because all my friends would play it and I just didn't like it.  Well thank goodness I finally opened my mind and tonight I finally learned to like it. Not only do I like it, it could very easily be my new favorite type of music.

Spanish music just puts you in a great mood. You could not possibly listen to spanish music and be in a bad mood. I mean unless you listen to a sad one, but I can't understand any of it so it's all happy music to me.

So I figured I would recommend a few of my new found favorites so that maybe you could listen to them and there's a chance you will start to appreciate it like I now do. And if you already were a lover of Latino music then these will no doubt be old news to you because they are very mainstream and classics so don't hate please.

  • Gasolina -Daddy Yankee
  • Limbo - Daddy Yankee
  • Bailamos - Enrique Iglesias
  • Bailando - Enrique Iglesias
  • Zumba - Don Omar
  • Danza Kuduro - Don Omar
  • Adrenalina - Wisin
  • Que Viva la Vida - Wisin
So those are just a few of my new found favorites so listen and enjoy.

Happy Blogging,
Jessica Casey

An Introduction

Who: Jessica Casey
What: I am blogging
Where: On this blog (
When: Whenever I damn feel like it
Why: I needed a life

Hi. Hey. Hello. If you're reading this then WAZZUPP? This will no doubt be my most boring post you will ever see but I needed to post it because I had nothing else to blog about yet. 

What will I be blogging about? Well I would give you a very long thought out answer to that but I actually have to clue what I am going to blog about. It is mostly going to be whatever I feel like that day. Whether it be product reviews, random rants about life, or even bucket lists, this blog will just have to do with my life and whatever I'm feeling that day, Hence the name jessicahasalife.

I thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this little post and get to know a little bit more about me and I really do hope you will keep updated with my blog, but if not it was nice having you read this. 

Gossip Girl

Happy Blogging,
Jessica  Casey