Monday, July 14, 2014

An Introduction

Who: Jessica Casey
What: I am blogging
Where: On this blog (
When: Whenever I damn feel like it
Why: I needed a life

Hi. Hey. Hello. If you're reading this then WAZZUPP? This will no doubt be my most boring post you will ever see but I needed to post it because I had nothing else to blog about yet. 

What will I be blogging about? Well I would give you a very long thought out answer to that but I actually have to clue what I am going to blog about. It is mostly going to be whatever I feel like that day. Whether it be product reviews, random rants about life, or even bucket lists, this blog will just have to do with my life and whatever I'm feeling that day, Hence the name jessicahasalife.

I thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this little post and get to know a little bit more about me and I really do hope you will keep updated with my blog, but if not it was nice having you read this. 

Gossip Girl

Happy Blogging,
Jessica  Casey

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